Friday, November 20, 2020

A New Thinking Adventures

Mathematical Thinking

    This past week has been full of exploration and deep thinking. As a class we have joined Mrs. Matikainen's class throughout the week to explore mathematics. We posed mathematical questions and wonderings to help students make conceptual connections within their own understanding of mathematical terms. Within our number inquiry, we have been developing an increased awareness of what whole numbers and natural numbers are, with side investigations into integers and fractions. The goal is to develop an integration of how these ideas and terms are all connected and nested within each other. It has been interesting and challenging to have students explore their own mathematical thinking, and to push perspectives, attitudes, and assumptions of what mathematics really is and can be.

    Through a series of Ted Talks, we have explored how learning is based on having questions, spending time struggling, playing with ideas and concepts while trying to understand the views, ideas, and perspectives of others. We explored how learning is not the pursuit of the right answer but rather a journey of explaining one's understanding/thinking. We even posed the idea that no one is an answer key, meaning that mathematical conversations is where the real magic of learning takes place.

    Within the learning this week, we challenged students to work in small groups and partners, and to use a new technology application - Jamboard. Some partnerships work beautifully and some did not. As a class we have discussed the importance of following up on our commitments to each other, but to also be communicative with each other. However, we have also acknowledge that students need further support in group work. This means that we will be building partner and group work in our regular Class Meetings.

Group Work

    As many Learning Coaches are aware, our Class Meetings have been slowly expanding and taking more time to get through. Please know that Mrs. Matikainen and I are very aware of this, and are trying to shift some of our practices to accommodate for the need to help support group work more fully. We are also planning to try using different different technology formats for students to work on during class. Your patience with us we try some new approaches to our classroom work, is deeply appreciated.

    This past week, students worked on collaborating how they have come to know/make sense of  mathematical terms, and in using figurative language to craft a free verse poem. We also had students present their Indigenous Veterans research projects during class. My goal with having students present and share their work is to help students become more open to different ideas (perspectives) and to challenge their own work quality. Many students are stepping outside of their comfort zones, and are doing a fabulous job.


    We have a couple more weeks left in our Forest and Tree investigations, then we will transition into Sky Science. While we have explored moon phases within mathematical conceptualization of patterning. But we will begin to look at the constellations from both the traditional Greek perspectives in conjunction with many Indigenous traditional stories. 

Social Studies

    We are continuing our work in democracy by learning about the four pillars (justice, equity, representation, and freedom) of democracy. It has been a challenge to not compare to what is happening in the United States, but as a class we are exploring some very interesting ideas and current events. In fact, as we explored ways people can stay active and engaged with those who have been elected, a group of students began a petition to raise awareness of how single use plastic bottles are impacting our oceans. We are super excited to continue to learn through this adventure and experience.

Music and Physical Education

    The students crafted a mathematical patterned movement sequence using ascending and descending conceptualization. They have also begun to explore dance in connection to a figurative language activity involving super hero's. This coming week, students will be assigned various dance routines to explore and have fun moving. Following our week of dance, students will be designing their own dance routine. If you feel comfortable in your roles of Learning Coach, please feel free to enjoy in the fun of movement.

    Being that I am not a musical, but rather a very keen observer and enjoyer of music, my approach to music this year is to also connect with other learning activities we are engaged in. We are exploring the power of figurative language with word choice order, alliterations, metaphors, similes, and onomatopoeias. Students have been asked to create lyrics to a song used in advertising using word patterns.

Upcoming Events

  • December 3rd and 4th will be Student Learning Conferences, more information will be shared with you as the details are finalized.
  • December 18th is the last day of classes as we begin Winter Break.
  • January 4th is when classes resume in the New Year.
    Thank you for all that you are doing! It is a true privilege to work and associate with your children. Thank you for sharing them with me!

Friday, November 13, 2020

Building Student Capacity

    Thank you to all the hard work and time spent on developing our own personal Remembrance Day Ceremony! It was a treat to have everyone involved in some way. Thank you for doing the extra work and for your participation in the ceremony itself.

    We have been focusing on Indigenous Veterans this last week, to continue to develop that history has multiple perspectives, but that all people have an active part within our democratic society. As a class we have begun to explore how to be active and continue to participate in our levels of government after the act of voting. It has been super exciting to watch and listen to student perspectives and understanding of what equality and equity mean, as well as freedom, justice and representation: especially in light of reading "Iqbal". 

    This next week, we will begin a mathematical inquiry into what number actually means. The goal of this definitional work and co-construction of understanding is to help make our work within fractions, mixed numbers, factors, percentage, and ratio more meaningful: rather than concepts in isolation. Please check-in with your child as to what they are beginning to connect and appreciate about number.

    Thank you for all that you do and for all of your support in your child's learning journey!


    Mrs. Easton

Our Last Week

I would personally like to thank all parents, Learning Coaches, and students for all of the hard work, effort, and time you put into our onl...